Troubleshooting QuickTime errors | After Effects CS5

Troubleshooting QuickTime errors | After Effects CS5

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They may also occur in programs, commonly browser games , using ActionScript. Although Adobe Illustrator can generate SWF format files through its "export" function, it cannot open or edit them. The small company FutureWave Software originally defined the file format with one primary objective: to create small files for displaying entertaining animations. The original naming of SWF came out of Macromedia's desire to capitalize on the well-known Macromedia Shockwave brand; Macromedia Director produced Shockwave files for the end user, so the files created by their newer Flash product tried to capitalize on the already established brand.

As Flash became more popular than Shockwave itself, this branding decision became more of a liability, so the format started to be referred to as simply SWF. Adobe acquired Macromedia in However, Rob Savoye , a member of the Gnash development team, has pointed to some parts of the Flash format which remain closed.

The main graphical primitive in SWF is the path, which is a chain of segments of primitive types, ranging from lines to splines or bezier curves. Additional primitives like rectangles, ellipses, and even text can be built from these. SWF also uses display lists and allows naming and reusing previously defined components.

The binary stream format SWF uses is fairly similar to QuickTime atoms, with a tag, length and payload — an organization that makes it very easy for older players to skip contents they don't support. Originally limited to presenting vector-based objects and images in a simple sequential manner, the format in its later versions allows audio since Flash 3 and video since Flash 6.

Despite being a declared high-priority GNU project, funding for Gnash was fairly limited. Lightspark is a continuation of Gnash supporting more recent SWF versions. Adobe has incorporated SWF playback and authoring in other product and technologies of theirs, including in Adobe Shockwave , which renders more complex documents. Scaleform GFx is licensed as a game middleware solution and used by many PC and console 3D games for user interfaces, HUDs , mini games , and video playback.

One that did migrate was Away3D, version 4. In , the specifications document was criticized by Rob Savoye , the lead developer of the Gnash project, as missing "huge amounts" of information needed to completely implement SWF, omitting specifications for RTMP and Sorenson Spark. Until May 1, , implementing software that plays SWF was disallowed by the specification's license. Implementing software which creates SWF files has always been permitted, on the condition that the resulting files render "error free in the latest publicly available version of Adobe Flash Player.

Other formats related to SWF authoring in the Adobe tool chain remain without a public specification. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Adobe flash file format. For other uses, see SWF disambiguation. This article is about the Adobe Flash file format sometimes referred to as "Shockwave Flash". Not to be confused with Adobe Shockwave. Archived from the original PDF on Retrieved Adobe Systems. Adobe Press. ISBN O'Reilly Media, Inc. Archived from the original on Concolato and J.

Packt Publishing Ltd. Retrieved 13 June Professional Papervision3D. Away3D 3. Adobe Flex 3. In Eric Lengyel ed. Game Engine Gems 2. CRC Press. Archived from the original on August 27, You may not use the Specification in any way to create or develop a runtime, client, player, executable or other program that reads or renders SWF files.

Archived from the original on January 15, Archived from the original on 16 December Retrieved 28 October AdvancED Flex 4. Retrieved on Adobe Systems Incorporated. Retrieved 22 November Graphics file formats. Category Comparison. Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash Media Server. Vector graphics markup languages and file formats. Categories : Adobe Flash Computer file formats Graphics file formats. Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links CS1 errors: missing periodical Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August Namespaces Article Talk.

Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Vector graphic animation. However, several non-Adobe '. Flash authoring software can edit FLA files and compile them into. The Flash source file format is currently a binary file format based on the Microsoft Compound File Format.

FLA files can also contain Actionscript code directly, but separate external. Each MXML file creates a new class that extends the class of the root tag, and adds the nested tags as children if they are descendants of UIComponent or members of the class.

Once finished developing a Flash project these files are not needed and can be removed. It is based on the ISO base media file format. Containing FLV packets. It is also Adobe Dreamweaver 's Flash template file extension. Flash Projects allow the user to group multiple, related files together to assist in Flash project organization, compilation and build. An ASO file is recreated when a change in its corresponding class files is detected. Occasionally the Flash IDE does not recognize that a recompile is necessary, and these cache files must be deleted manually.



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After Flash 5 introduced ActionScript in , developers combined the visual and programming capabilities of Flash to produce interactive experiences and applications for the Web. In , Macromedia Flex was released, and specifically targeted the application development market.

Between and , the Speedtest. Developers could create Flash web applications and rich web applications in ActionScript 3. Flash video games were popular on the Internet, with portals like Newgrounds , Kongregate , and Armor Games dedicated to hosting Flash-based games. Many Flash games were developed by individuals or groups of friends due to the simplicity of the software. Scaleform is supported by more than 10 major video game engines including Unreal Engine and UDK , CryEngine , and PhyreEngine , and has been used to provide 3D interfaces for more than major video game titles since its launch in As the Internet became more popular, FutureWave realized the potential for a vector-based web animation tool that might challenge Macromedia Shockwave technology.

FutureWave approached Adobe Systems with an offer to sell them FutureSplash in , but Adobe turned down the offer at that time. Flash was a two-part system, a graphics and animation editor known as Macromedia Flash, and a player known as Macromedia Flash Player. FutureSplash Animator was an animation tool originally developed for pen-based computing devices.

Due to the small size of the FutureSplash Viewer , it was particularly suited for download on the Web. Macromedia distributed Flash Player as a free browser plugin in order to quickly gain market share.

Macromedia upgraded the Flash system between and adding MovieClips, Actions the precursor to ActionScript , Alpha transparency, and other features.

As Flash matured, Macromedia's focus shifted from marketing it as a graphics and media tool to promoting it as a Web application platform, adding scripting and data access capabilities to the player while attempting to retain its small footprint.

In , the first major version of ActionScript was developed, and released with Flash 5. Actionscript 2. The last version of Flash released by Macromedia was Flash 8 , which focused on graphical upgrades such as filters blur, drop shadow, etc. It introduced the ActionScript 3.

Adobe Flex Builder built on Eclipse targeted the enterprise application development market, and was also released the same year.

Flash 10 improved animation capabilities within the Flash editor, adding a motion editor panel similar to Adobe After Effects , inverse kinematics bones , basic 3D object animation, object-based animation, and other text and graphics features. Flash Player 10 included an in-built 3D engine without GPU acceleration that allowed basic object transformations in 3D space position, rotation, scaling. With AIR, developers could access the file system the user's files and folders , and connected devices such as a joystick, gamepad, and sensors for the first time.

In May , Adobe announced that Adobe AIR was used in over , unique applications and had over 1 billion installations logged worldwide. Adobe has taken steps to reduce or eliminate Flash licensing costs. For instance, the SWF file format documentation is provided free of charge [50] after they relaxed the requirement of accepting a non-disclosure agreement to view it in Adobe has not been willing to make complete source code of the Flash Player available for free software development and even though free and open source alternatives such as Shumway and Gnash have been built, they are no longer under active development.

On May 1, , Adobe announced the Open Screen Project , with the intent of providing a consistent application interface across devices such as personal computers, mobile devices , and consumer electronics.

One of Flash's primary uses on the Internet when it was first released was for building fully immersive, interactive websites. These were typically highly creative site designs that provided more flexibility over what the current HTML standards could provide as well as operate over dial-up connections.

Fully Flash-run sites fell out of favor for more strategic use of Flash plugins for video and other interactive features among standard HTML conventions, corresponding with the availability of HTML features like cascading style-sheets in the mid's.

Fifteen years later, WAP had largely been replaced by full-capability implementations and the HTML5 standard included more support for interactive and video elements. Support for Flash in these mobile browsers was not included. In , Apple 's Steve Jobs famously wrote Thoughts on Flash , an open letter to Adobe criticizing the closed nature of the Flash platform and the inherent security problems with the application to explain why Flash was not supported on iOS.

While Adobe eventually won, allowing for other third-party development environments to get access to the iOS, Apple's decision to block Flash itself was considered the "death blow" to the Flash application.

In , Adobe ended support for Flash on Android. With Flash's EOL announced, many browsers took steps to gradually restrict Flash content caution users before launching it, eventually blocking all content without an option to play it. By January , all major browsers were blocking all Flash content unconditionally.

Only IE11 , niche browser forks, and some browsers built for China plan to continue support. Furthermore, excluding the China variant of Flash, Flash execution software has a built-in kill switch which prevents it from playing Flash after January 12, Adobe Flash will still be supported in China and worldwide on some specialized enterprise platforms beyond As early as , around the same time that Adobe began encouraging Flash developers to transition their works to HTML5 standards, others began efforts to preserve existing Flash content through emulation of Flash in open standards.

While some Flash applications were utilitarian, several applications had been shown to be experimental art, while others had laid the foundation of the independent video game development. Google had developed the Swiffy application, released in , to convert Flash applications to HTML5-compatible scripts for viewing on mobile devices, but it was shut down in Closer to Flash's EOL date in , there were more concentrated efforts simply to preserve existing Flash applications, including websites, video games, and animations beyond Flash's EOL.

Flash source files are in the FLA format and contain graphics and animation, as well as embedded assets such as bitmap images, audio files, and FLV video files. The Flash source file format was a proprietary format and Adobe Animate and Adobe Flash Pro were the only available authoring tools capable of editing such files. Flash source files.

Note that FLA files can be edited, but output. Flash Video files [spec 1] have a. The use of vector graphics combined with program code allows Flash files to be smaller—and thus allows streams to use less bandwidth —than the corresponding bitmaps or video clips.

For content in a single format such as just text, video, or audio , other alternatives may provide better performance and consume less CPU power than the corresponding Flash movie, for example, when using transparency or making large screen updates such as photographic or text fades. In addition to a vector-rendering engine, the Flash Player includes a virtual machine called the ActionScript Virtual Machine AVM for scripting interactivity at run-time, with video, MP3-based audio, and bitmap graphics.

Virtually all browser plugins for video are free of charge and cross-platform, including Adobe's offering of Flash Video, which was introduced with Flash version 6. Flash Video had been a popular choice for websites due to the large installed user base and programmability of Flash.

In , Apple publicly criticized Adobe Flash, including its implementation of video playback for not taking advantage of hardware acceleration, one reason Flash was not to be found on Apple's mobile devices. Soon after Apple's criticism, Adobe demoed and released a beta version of Flash Flash Flash Player supports two distinct modes of video playback, and hardware accelerated video decoding may not be used for older video content.

Such content causes excessive CPU usage compared to comparable content played with other players. Flash allows sample rates of 11, 22 and Adobe Flash Player Flash Player Flash programs use ActionScript programming language. It is an enhanced superset of the ECMAScript programming language, with a classical Java -style class model, rather than JavaScript 's prototype model.

Several developers quickly created a C library for producing SWF. Macromedia also hired Middlesoft to create a freely available developers' kit for the SWF file format versions 3 to 5. Macromedia made the Flash Files specifications for versions 6 and later available only under a non-disclosure agreement , but they are widely available from various sites. In April , the Flash SWF file format specification was released with details on the then newest version format Flash 8.

Although still lacking specific information on the incorporated video compression formats On2, Sorenson Spark, etc. The file format specification document is offered only to developers who agree to a license agreement that permits them to use the specifications only to develop programs that can export to the Flash file format.

The license does not allow the use of the specifications to create programs that can be used for playback of Flash files. The Flash 9 specification was made available under similar restrictions. Previously, developers could not use the specification for making SWF-compatible players, but only for making SWF-exporting authoring software. The specification still omits information on codecs such as Sorenson Spark , however.

The Adobe Animate authoring program is primarily used to design graphics and animation and publish the same for websites, web applications, and video games. The program also offers limited support for audio and video embedding and ActionScript scripting. Adobe released Adobe LiveMotion , designed to create interactive animation content and export it to a variety of formats, including SWF.

LiveMotion failed to gain any notable user base. In February , Macromedia purchased Presedia, which had developed a Flash authoring tool that automatically converted PowerPoint files into Flash. Macromedia subsequently released the new product as Breeze, which included many new enhancements. Various free and commercial software packages can output animations into the Flash SWF format including:. The Flash 4 Linux project was an initiative to develop an open source Linux application as an alternative to Adobe Animate.

Development plans included authoring capacity for 2D animation, and tweening , as well as outputting SWF file formats. UIRA intended to combine the resources and knowledge of the F4L project and the Qflash project, both of which were Open Source applications that aimed to provide an alternative to the proprietary Adobe Flash.

Adobe provides a series of tools to develop software applications and video games for Flash:. Third-party development tools have been created to assist developers in creating software applications and video games with Flash. Adobe Flash Player is the multimedia and application player originally developed by Macromedia and acquired by Adobe Systems. Scaleform GFx is a game development middleware solution that helps create graphical user interfaces or HUDs within 3D video games.

It does not work with web browsers. Lightspark supports OpenGL -based rendering for 3D content. The player is also compatible with H. Gnash aimed to create a software player and browser plugin replacement for the Adobe Flash Player. Shumway was an open source Flash Player released by Mozilla in November It was built in JavaScript and is thus compatible with modern web browsers. In the same year that Shumway was abandoned, work began on Ruffle , a flash emulator written in Rust.

Adobe Flash Player is currently only supported with the enterprise [1] [2] [4] and China [5] variants, it has been deprecated everywhere else. The projector version is a standalone player that can open SWF files directly. Adobe Flash Player was previously available for a variety of mobile operating systems, including Android between versions 2.

Flash Player for smartphones was originally made available to handset manufacturers at the end of However, Flash content can be made to run on iOS devices in a variety of ways:.

The mobile version of Internet Explorer for Windows Phone cannot play Flash content; [] however, Flash support is still present on the tablet version of Windows.

Adobe Flash Lite is a lightweight version of Adobe Flash Player intended for mobile phones [] [ self-published source? The only alternative is using HTML5 and responsive web design to build websites that support both desktop and mobile devices.

Such games will not work in mobile web browsers but must be installed via the appropriate app store. The reliance on Adobe for decoding Flash makes its use on the World Wide Web a concern—the completeness of its public specifications are debated, and no complete implementation of Flash is publicly available in source code form with a license that permits reuse. Generally, public specifications are what makes a format re-implementable see future proofing data storage , and reusable codebases can be ported to new platforms without the endorsement of the format creator.

However, despite efforts of projects like Gnash, Swfdec , and Lightspark , a complete free Flash player is yet to be seen, as of September For example, Gnash cannot use SWF v10 yet. Notable advocates of free software, open standards, and the World Wide Web have warned against the use of Flash:. The founder of Mozilla Europe , Tristan Nitot , stated in [].

Companies building websites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight. You're producing content for your users and there's someone in the middle deciding whether users should see your content. I believe very strongly, that we need to agree on some kind of baseline video format if [the video element] is going to succeed. Flash is today the baseline format on the web. The problem with Flash is that it's not an open standard.

Representing the free software movement , Richard Stallman stated in a speech in that: [] "The use of Flash in websites is a major problem for our community. Flash content is usually embedded using the object or embed HTML element. Often, a plugin is required for the browser to fully implement these elements, though some users cannot or will not install it.

You can install render engines in the same manner as the full version of the application. For more information, see same composition Setup and installation. You cannot use a watch folder and multiple render engines to simultaneously render a single movie file.

However, in render farming, you can use multiple render engines to render a movie as a sequence of still-image files. You can then use a post-render action to create a single movie file from that still-image sequence. For more information, see Post-render actions. When working with multiple render engines on multiple computers, keep in mind the following guidelines:.

When possible, identify folders using absolute file paths so that the paths are correctly identified for all render engines. Each Macintosh computer monitoring the watch folder must have a unique name. Because the default names of computers are often identical, you should rename your computers to not use the default name.

Make sure that all servers and clients computers monitoring the watch folder have hard drives with unique names. Do not use the same computer to serve a watch folder and to run After Effects in Watch Folder mode.

Do not render to or initiate Watch Folder mode on the root of a volume or a shared folder that appears as the root when viewed from another computer. Specify a subfolder instead. For multiple-computer rendering, After Effects includes the Multi-Machine sample template that you can use as a starting point.

Make sure that you install all fonts, effects, and encoders compressors used in the project on all computers monitoring the watch folder. When you install an After Effects render engine on a computer, it contains all the plug-ins included with After Effects.

If a composition uses a plug-in from another manufacturer, the plug-in must be present on all computers to render the composition. However, support for network rendering varies among plug-in manufacturers.

Before you set up a network to render effects created by third-party plug-ins, see the documentation for your plug-ins or contact the plug-in manufacturers and get answers to the following questions:.

Does the license agreement for the plug-in allow installing multiple copies on a network for the purposes of rendering? This folder includes a copy of the project file, a render control file RCF , and other files, depending on the options you choose in the Collect Files dialog box. Avoid saving the Collect Files folder to a local disk, the root level of a disk such as C: in Windows or the Macintosh HD in Mac OS , or a shared folder, all of which can signify different locations to each render engine.

All render engines must interpret the path in the same way. Once the collected files appear in the watch folder, all monitoring render engines start rendering automatically. If you prefer, you can use the Collect Files command to store compositions and their source footage to a specified location and then initiate the watch-folder rendering process later.

Doing so renders the projects in alphabetical order, rather than the order in which they were saved to the location. You can track render dependencies when you render over a network by setting Post-Render Action options. When you set these options, After Effects confirms that all of the items that have to be rendered are ready and available.

For example, if one item depends on another to render, and the first has not finished rendering or has received an error, the second does not render. The movie is created on only one computer. To start the After Effects render engine rather than the full version of After Effects, use the -re option with the command.

Render farming helps reduce the time a single machine takes to export a composition. You can use multiple computers and multiple copies of After Effects to render a composition across a network. You can use multiple computers to render only still-image sequences; you cannot use multiple computers to render a single movie. Aharon Rabinowitz provides a video tutorial on the Creative COW website that goes through and explains the steps for rendering a still-image sequence with multiple computers.

Follow the process illustrated in the image to understand the requirements to set up the network. Computer with full version of After Effects B. Save a project and all source files to a folder on a server C. Computers with the render engine installed D. Open the project and render a still-frame sequence to a designated output folder on the server. You can use any number of computers for rendering; in general, the more computers, the faster the rendering. However, if too many computers are used across a busy network, network traffic may slow down the entire process.

Adobe does not provide technical support for general network configuration; consult your network administrator. Install After Effects on each computer that is used to render the project. Make sure that you have the same fonts installed on each computer.

Do not share plug-ins across a network. Make sure that you have a copy of the plug-ins folder on each computer that is running After Effects. When using third-party plug-ins, also be sure that the same plug-ins are available on all computers and that you have sufficient licenses for the plug-ins. This folder must be available for all the computers that are rendering. In the Render Queue panel, select Skip Existing Files allow multi-machine rendering in the Render Settings section so that multiple computers do not render the same frames.

When you open an EPS file containing vector graphics, Photoshop rasterizes the image, converting the vector graphics to pixels.

EPS does support clipping paths. You use DCS 2. You can edit and use an opened preview image just as any other low-resolution file. The current version of Photoshop includes rasterization features for opening files that include vector data. The Photoshop Raw format is a flexible file format for transferring images between applications and computer platforms. Documents saved in the Photoshop Raw format can be of any pixel or file size, but they cannot contain layers.

The Photoshop Raw format consists of a stream of bytes describing the color information in the image. Photoshop designates the number of channels needed to describe the image, plus any additional channels in the image.

The file creator is also generally a four-character ID. The Header parameter specifies how many bytes of information appear in the file before actual image information begins. This value determines the number of zeroes inserted at the beginning of the file as placeholders. You can enter a header when you open the file in Raw format. You can also save the file without a header and then use a file-editing program, such as HEdit Windows or Norton Utilities Mac OS , to replace the zeroes with header information.

You can save the image in an interleaved or non-interleaved format. If you choose interleaved, the color values red, green, and blue, for example are stored sequentially. Your choice depends on requirements of the application that will open the file. A Photoshop Raw image is not in the same file format as a camera raw image file from a digital camera.

Digital Negative DNG is a file format that contains the raw image data from a digital camera and metadata that defines what the data means. BMP is a standard Windows image format on Windows-compatible computers. BMP images are normally written bottom to top; however, you can select the Flip Row Order option to write them from top to bottom. You can also select an alternate encoding method by clicking Advanced Modes.

Using the Cineon format, you can output back to film with no loss of image quality. The format is used in the Cineon Digital Film System, which transfers images originated on film to the Cineon format and back to film.

DICOM files contain both image data and headers, which store information about the patient and the medical image. GIF format preserves transparency in indexed-color images; however, it does not support alpha channels. Use raw files from Canon cameras for best results. IFF Interchange File Format is a general-purpose data storage format that can associate and store multiple types of data.

IFF is portable and has extensions that support still-picture, sound, music, video, and textual data. A JPEG image is automatically decompressed when opened. A higher level of compression results in lower image quality, and a lower level of compression results in better image quality. In most cases, the Maximum quality option produces a result indistinguishable from the original. All Photoshop features, such as layers, effects, and filters, are supported.

With documents larger than 30, pixels in width or height, some plug-in filters are unavailable. Most other applications and older versions of Photoshop cannot support documents with file sizes larger than 2 GB.

The film format has high color fidelity and a dynamic range suitable for use in motion picture production. Based on the PostScript imaging model, PDF files accurately display and preserve fonts, page layouts, and both vector and bitmap graphics. In addition, PDF files can contain electronic document search and navigation features such as electronic links. The Touch Up Object tool is mainly for last-minute revisions to images and objects.

Photoshop PDF files. Photoshop PDF files can contain only a single image. Photoshop PDF format supports all color modes except Multichannel and features that are supported in standard Photoshop format.

Standard PDF files. Standard PDF files can contain multiple pages and images.


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